“To us the solution was a heavy duty box, one that would be strong enough to sustain all of what is thrown at it. The Apollo boxes are just the right shape and size for our needs. Loadhog customised our boxes with our Merronbrook branding, this helps customers quickly identify the goods. This also enhances our branding and credibility. The additional feature such as the security tags gives customers further confidence that the box has arrived intact without being compromised. ”
Paul Ilnicki
Commercial Director
Over 95%
Reduction on call back
Benefits Experienced
Brand Awareness
With the benefits of customisation, the company logo was added to enhance branding and creditability. It also helps customers quickly identify the goods.
Increased Security
The valuable items inside the Apollo are securely sealed, protecting the goods, giving comfort and reassurance to the customers.
Waste Reduction
Switching to reusable containers from single use cardboard.
Handling Efficiency
Containers can be stacked and nested, creating increased efficiency through the supply chain, from factory to in transit. The ALC can be secured in transit without the worry of damage.
ALC Apollo 43
400 x 300mm

ALC Apollo 64
600 x 400mm