Loadhog Solutions: helping to circulate supply chains.

8th June 2022

Plastic brings many benefits. It’s strong, durable and secure. All traits that work well within packaging.

However, there are some challenging single use plastic items that need to be eliminated to achieve the desired circular economy.

With companies now putting sustainability at the forefront of their business models, the circular economy is becoming the norm. Reusable containers have 88% less CO2 emissions than single use cardboard boxes, and this isn’t the only benefit Loadhog’s returnable packaging can bring to businesses and their supply chains.

Wherever possible companies should reconsider their operational processes with the aim to remove single use plastic and replace with reusable packaging. By designing out waste and keeping materials in use, Loadhog solutions regenerate rather than degrade natural systems, powerfully contributing towards the environment.

Loadhog designs its products to be used and reused right from the initial idea, with a ‘no waste’ outcome in mind. The reusable packaging solutions are restorative and regenerative, using recycled materials from the start when injection moulded to reusing plastics at the end of a product’s life span.

By using Loadhog packaging, and moving your supply chain from linear to circular, it creates opportunities from the outset, including improved efficiency, cost saving, and increased sustainability.

Whether it be Loadhog’s containers, transport solutions or automation systems, the circular movement of material is kept within the process, therefore helping businesses to achieve the desired sustainable supply chain.