“The Loadhog Pallet Lid system brings us significant labour efficiencies at our distribution centre. Alongside the labour savings, it also reduces our shrink wrap waste to landfill by over 7 million metres per year.”
Consolidation Centre Operations Manager, Clipper Logistics
Less Than 5 Months Return On Investment Period
Benefits Experienced
Reduction in labour time... 65 seconds per pallet
Additional labour time savings with marshalling between wrap machines removed from the process.
Additional security of totes
The Loadhog Pallet Lid can’t be removed without cutting cable ties, so items within totes have extra level of security.
7 million metres of shrink wrap removed per year
The Loadhog Pallet Lid replaces the need for any shrink wrap within the supply chain.
Increased Safety
With no stretch wrap hazards within the operation, safety has been improved throughout the supply chain.
UK Pallet Lid