We are Planet Mark Certified!

29th September 2022

Planet Mark Business Certification acknowledges our commitment to continuous improvement in measuring and reducing carbon emissions, energy and water consumption, travel, and waste.

They have set us a goal of a 5% reduction in annual emissions. However, to be on target for Net Zero in 2050 we need to reduce our emissions by approximately 3.6% per year. And for our target of Net Zero by 2030 we need to reduce our emissions by 12.5% per year. (These numbers are based on our business certification footprint, with extended scope 3 our footprint will increase and as a result so will our reduction percentages)

Planet Mark are in partnership with Cool Earth. As a result of this, one acre of the Peruvian rainforest has been protected in our name, storing 260 tCO2e. With every year we continue membership with Planet Mark, one more acre will be protected annually. Between 1990 and 2020, the world lost 20 million acres of primary forest. The Amazon rainforest is losing around 10,000 acres a day and every second, a forest the size of a football pitch is cut down. By 2030, there may only be 10% of rainforests left.

Planet Mark donate 5% of our business certification fee to the Eden Project. An educational charity which connects us to the living world and exploring how we can work towards a better future.

Business Certification is used as a starting point for us to measure our footprint. It covers Scope 1, Scope 2 and a few Scope 3 categories (purchased goods and services (paper only), fuel and energy related activities (transport and distribution of electricity and water), waste, and business travel). We are currently awaiting our Extended Scope 3 Certification from Planet Mark. By measuring our value chain emissions through an Extended Scope 3 Certification process, this will enable us to:

  • View the largest contributors and areas of our carbon footprint to focus emission reduction endeavours
  • Identify the suppliers that contribute most to purchased goods and services and upstream transport emissions
  • Determine areas of the supply chain that would benefit the most from emission reduction opportunities
  • Be able to develop and apply guidelines for choosing suppliers based on their carbon emissions
  • Reduce the emissions of operational and product emissions

Since measuring our carbon footprint, we have learned that we contribute to 6 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and can work towards at least 3 more! The 6 SDGs we contribute to are:

SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation

SDG 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy

SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

SDG 13 – Climate Action

SDG 15 – Life on Land