We are contributing to SDG 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy

12th October 2022

Goal: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all

During 2000 to 2018, the proportion of the global population with access to electricity increased by 12%, accounting for 90% of the world’s population who now have access to electricity. During the same time, that magnitude has more than doubled in lower economically developed countries (LEDCs). However, there remains approximately 789 million people globally who lack access to electricity.

In order to achieve universal access to affordable energy by 2030, there needs to be substantial investment made into clean energy sources such as solar, wind and thermal energy. Development programs need to be conducted in LEDCs, whereby projects focused on expanding infrastructure and upgrading technology should be carried out to encourage growth and help the environment.

More frequently, the cost of renewable energy sources is declining, and they are becoming more reliable and adequate. It is essential that we shift from our current production and consumption of energy via fossil fuels because this is unsustainable and harmful to the planet. In order to reduce the effects of climate change, it is crucial that we implement these new energy solutions sooner rather than later.

Our everyday life depends on reliable and affordable energy. However, 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions are a direct result of energy consumption.

SDG 7.2 – Increase Global Percentage of Renewable Energy

By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. At Loadhog, 100% of our energy demand is met by renewable energy.

How we can help:

  • Turn off air conditioning – open a window or use a fan.
  • Don’t use multiple devices at the same time. Be mindful about this and only use several devices when absolutely necessary.
  • Switch off appliances at the socket. Turn off the lights when not using them.
  • Buy rechargeable electronics. Don’t buy or use one-use batteries
  • Use solar energy sources. Install solar panels for heating and electricity. Loadhog will be installing solar panels in 2023. This will account for 11% of our energy consumption.